Click on the P5D Randomizer to view random photos of trade show exhibits.
Be careful . . . it's addictive!
Booth Size: 10' x 30' Displays
RENTAL Exhibit -- 10' x 30' Hybrid Tradeshow Display with
MOD-1237 Counter
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Euro LT Modular Laminate Exhibit with Backlit Graphics
(DM-0259) and
Conference Wall. Full-size "Display" Doors to be Added by
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL Exhibit -- 20' x 20' Visionary Designs Island
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Trade Show Exhibit with
MOD-1213 Counters
Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars
Custom Reception Counter with Laminate Accents
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
20' x 20' Visionary Designs Island Exhibit -- MODUL
Extrusion, Tension Fabric Headers, and Backlit Counters
Overhead CNC Operator (Mike) and CNC Mill Creating a Perforated
Sintra Panel
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Visionary Designs with Front and Rear Graphics --
Modified VK-2029
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibit with LTK-1001 and MOD-1237 Counters
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
10' x 10' Quadro S Pop Up Curved Frames
Classic Wood Fab & Metal Fab
Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars
Euro LT Modular Counters -- LTK-1134 and LTK-1015 Modified
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
10' x 10' Intro 10-Panel Fabric Panel Display with Counters and
10' x 10' Quadro S Pop Up Frame with Graphics
Booth Size: Cases
Portable Roto-molded Cases with Wheels and Custom Wood Crates
with Jigging
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
10' x 10' Visionary Designs VK-1027 with LTK-1129 Modified Counter
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Euro LT Modular Laminate Display and Counter
Booth Size: Banner Stands
Custom 3D Banner Stand and Aero Overhead Tension Fabric
Hanging Sign -- Round (
Booth Size: Table Tops | Pop Ups
Aero Freestandig Table Top Frames -- TF-403 and TF-406
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Display with Circle Graphic
and LTK-1103 Tower with
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Extrusion Framework for 20' x 20' Island Exhibit and Intro
Hand Samples for Distributors